
Turnitin AI

Original price was: € 249,95.Current price is: € 4,99.

You will get: Turntin (Individual)

Note: Does not support AI rate feature

  • Turnitin upgrade package (1 Month) will have 20 checks / 1 month
  • Turnitin upgrade package (3 Month) will have 50 checks / 1 month
  • Turnitin upgrade package (6 Month) will have 30 checks / 1 daily
  • Turnitin upgrade package (12 Month) will have 30 checks / 1 daily

Turnitin fosters an inclusive workplace that encourages talented individuals to thrive authentically. Their mission is to uphold the integrity of global education and significantly enhance learning outcomes.

Understanding Turnitin

Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection service operated by the US company Turnitin, LLC, a subsidiary of Advance Publications.


  • This software verifies original content by comparing submitted articles against several databases using a proprietary algorithm. It scans its own databases and has licensing agreements with major academic proprietary databases for objective verification.

Archive database

  • Student essays are stored in a database used to check for plagiarism. This prevents one student from using another’s articles by determining the percentage of matches between articles.
  • In addition to student writings, the database contains commercial sites or copyrighted books, newspapers, and magazines, continuously adding content to the Turnitin archive.

Classroom integration

  • Students often upload their work directly to the service’s platform for teachers to access. Teachers can also submit student work as individual files, by bulk upload, or as a ZIP archive. Teachers can set up assignment analysis options so that students can review the original work on the system before completing their work. It is integrated into exercise tools in many classrooms.
  • When you upload your paper to the class for grading, it will automatically be submitted through the Turnitin repository, without the need to log in separately. The report it generates will help identify possible instances of plagiarism.

Why Choose Turnitin?

It can be used as a deterrent and an educational tool to teach students how to use resources effectively and improve their paraphrasing and quoting skills. With a database of more than 300 million essays, 110,000 publications, and over 24 billion web pages, it is one of the most popular plagiarism checking services available today.

How does Turnitin Software Work?

  • Similar to other duplicate checker tools, Turnitin analyzes the elements of the article and combs through its database to highlight duplicates and give an overall assessment of the originality of the article.
  • It matches text in an assignment by comparing student submissions with internet archives, internet data, archives of previously submitted articles, and journals and periodicals. It then generates an ‘Originality Report’ that is viewable by both faculty and students, locating the text in the student’s submission that matches another source.
  • It searches for related articles based on the keywords of the articles submitted by students. For example, if the keyword “Turnitin mechanism of action” is used multiple times in your article, it will identify this as the main keyword and scan the database for duplicates based on that.
  • However, Turnitin does not confirm whether the article is plagiarized or not. It only reports the originality of the article, showing how similar the submitted article is to the content source in its database.

Who Should Use Turnitin?

    • Higher Education: Uphold academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, and protect your reputation with these tools.
    • Secondary Education: Improve student writing, check for text similarity, and help develop original thinking skills with these tools for teachers.
    • Research & Publication: Publish with confidence using the tool trusted by top researchers and publishers to ensure the originality of scholarly works.

This tool enhances students’ original thinking skills by providing actionable, high-quality feedback that seamlessly integrates into existing teacher workflows. I suggest purchasing it now through our Turnitin group buy to acquire the best tool at the most affordable price. I trust you will find this article helpful. Thank you for reading!

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