Piktochart commenced its journey in 2011, originating from the diligent efforts of four individuals laboring tirelessly in a small warehouse in Penang to birth their inaugural DIY infographic platform. Today, Piktochart has metamorphosed into a comprehensive suite of photo and video tools, catering to over 11 million users. Their overarching mission is to craft products that facilitate professionals in conveying impactful narratives.
What Does Piktochart Offer?
Piktochart serves as an all-encompassing online platform, seamlessly integrating infographic creation, presentation design, and report generation. No prerequisite graphic design expertise is required.
- Designed for ease of use. Master the platform in under an hour.
Traditional tools like Photoshop & Illustrator demand months of training to achieve professional results. With Piktochart, you can create polished designs in less than an hour—no training or graphic design experience necessary. Our intuitive drag-and-drop editor enables you to craft infographics, brochures, or presentations in minutes, not hours. - Seamless integration into your existing workflow
With Piktochart, you don’t need to revamp your entire workflow. Export your visual content in PNG and PDF formats to share with colleagues via email. Additionally, presentations can be downloaded as PPT files for offline delivery using software like Powerpoint.
What’s included in the Piktochart Pro package:
- Unlimited visuals
- Unlimited visual downloads
- Unlimited folders
- 100GB storage for image uploads
- Export images in HD
- Brand Assets
- Password protection for published visuals
- Upload and use custom fonts
- Create personalized templates
Why Choose Piktochart?
At Piktochart, you’re in control. There’s no need to wait for directives; set your own goals and execute them. You’re responsible for your growth and performance, with leadership acting as a coach and enabler, supporting your development.
Who Can Benefit?
Everyone. Our online graph generator simplifies the creation of visually appealing graphs in minutes, streamlining the design process. Just select a template, input your data, and customize as desired.
What Can Piktochart Help You Create?
High-Quality Infographics
- Visualize processes, explain concepts, or onboard new hires with premium infographic templates.
Insightful Reports
- Keep your team aligned with clear, compelling reports that transform data into actionable insights.
Persuasive Presentations
- From investor pitches to sales decks, craft professional presentations for business or academic purposes.
Eye-Catching Posters
- Promote events or communicate cafeteria updates with customizable poster templates.
Engaging Videos
Transform webinars and recordings into captivating social media content to boost engagement on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Say goodbye to complex video editing with our user-friendly editor.
I strongly believe that Piktochart can revolutionize your approach. Gone are the days of investing significant time and money in content creation. With Piktochart, anyone can effortlessly craft professional, high-quality visuals, and informative images without the need for design expertise. I recommend purchasing now through our Piktochart group buy for an exceptional tool at an unbeatable price. I trust you’ll find this article valuable. Thank you for reading!